Best NDA Academy in Sikar for Army, Navy & Air Force

National Defence Academy (NDA) is an exam which is organized by UPSC for Army, Navy, and Air Force candidates. If you’re looking for a list of NDA academies in India-You will get many academies who can train you for the written exam as well as for SSB interview. But, if you are looking to join the best NDA academy in Sikar, Rajasthan – you will probably find a few institutes here that can train you for the Army, Navy, and Air force Selection Boards.
Here, we have taken the feedback of many students who got recommended and from those who are preparing for defence exams. If you want to take coaching of your NDA exam in Sikar, you can choose an academy from the list which we have shared below.
Let’s see which academy will be the best option for your NDA preparation in Sikar.
List of Best NDA Coaching Centres in Sikar
Because Sikar has just started giving NDA classes a few years so, you will be getting only a few options to explore. So, we have listed the names of the best academies for NDA exam preparation in Sikar which are among the most trusted by the locals.
- Rank-1: Prince NDA Academy
- Rank-2: Rajasthan Defence Academy
- Rank-3: Govindam Defence Academy
These institutes are offering professional guidance and training for NDA exams and they also have given some positive results. Also, these academies are not so popular but not bad either.
Comparison of Best NDA Academies
Comparison is a must-to-go thing! That is why we have measured some dimensions so that we can help you make the right decision. Let us see what these dimensions are:
Quality of Faculty
Here, we have examined the expertise of faculty, and have also looked at whether their expertise suits the needs of the aspirant. Are these experienced instructors dedicated to making their students excel in NDA exams – written as well as physical?
Ground Facility
We have looked into the ground facility because it is the most important element that should be checked. We have checked whether the ground is well built or not (no pits, green view, area, etc).
Quality of Accommodation
We have also thoroughly checked the accommodation facility. We have measured whether these selected institutes take care of their students with good food, a good bed to sleep in, and cleanliness. Also, after Covid-19 cleanliness and hygiene became an important factor for all.
We have examined whether these institutes have the right mentors or not. Because mentor guidance is a must, especially for NDA aspirants. A mentor is the one who shares his knowledge, experience, and advice with his mentees. Besides, our analysis ensures that the shortlisted academies should have a mentor who is retired from the defence as a General, Major, Lieutenant general, Colonel, or he should be retired with any highest rank from the defence.
Know Which NDA Academy in Sikar Is Better Than Other
Here, we have given a brief description of Sikar’s three NDA academies one by one.
Prince NDA Academy
It is well known as the Best NDA coaching in Sikar because this is the only academy in Sikar that has its own NDA academy. The Prince NDA Academy provides written exams preparation for the NDA exam, CDS, AFCAT, Air force Group X Y, CAPF, INET, and other Defence exams. They have highly experienced faculty members and EX-Officers of the Indian Armed Forces for NDA candidates. Also, their faculties and mentors work hard and train their students individually.
Academy provides a long green field for physical activities, good classrooms, and a hostel facility. The aspirants get the same environment that of the actual SSB.
Rajasthan Defence Academy
Rajasthan Defence Academy in Sikar is very good for defence coaching but they are adjusting their names in NDA coaching. Their faculties are less qualified than Prince Academy. This academy has given output in the form of good defence results. However, they are emerging as a new hub for armed forces candidates and adjusting their name in the best NDA/ SSB instructions in Sikar.
Hence, after analyzing deeply, we found this academy best fit for defence coaching in Sikar but we can consider this academy as an average academy for NDA & SSB interview preparation.
Govindam Defence Academy
Govindam Defence Academy is also a good academy for NDA coaching with good faculties and campus. They focus on each student equally as their strength is less than the above two academies. However, Govindam and Rajasthan academies both comes as an average NDA coaching institute in Sikar. They both give their attention to the defence academy and are adjusting their name for NDA coaching in Sikar.
How to choose an academy for your NDA preparation?
Before choosing any NDA academy please make sure you have done your homework.
- Check whether or not they offer systematic lesson plan based learning to ensure the syllabus coverage at the initial level
- Check that regular SSB session are conducted by experts in the given academy
- Do they have an experienced panel of faculty or not?
- How dedicated is management about NDA preparation & SSB interview?
- Whether or not each child is counselled individually in these institutes.
- PTM(Parents teacher meeting) on time or not.
- Request a demo from the chosen academy
The above NDA coaching centers give guidance to the students. But, self-study and hard work is a must thing that needed in NDA preparation and especially for SSB interview. Never ever try to choose “so-called Ratification” and please beware of that institute that asks you to do something like that. Because “Rattaification” is the one thing that will not gonna help you to crack any exam and especially there is no open entry for these tactics in SSB interview.
All you can do is believe in yourself, do hard work, try to say no to “Hesitation” and keep your stamina high for physical activities.
So, if you want to take your NDA coaching to Sikar, then you can comfortably consider any of the three NDA academies given above.
Also, if you are looking to join any defence academy you can read our blog to explore your options.